Pomeroy War Memorial Hall Committee Meeting, Conducted via email conversation (due to Coronavirus)
(Original meeting scheduled 25th March 2020)
01/03/20 Attendees
Andrew Bownes (AB) – Former chair of Wetton village hall
Jean Brown (JB) – Vice Chair of Committee
Jenny Cooper (JC) – Committee member
Bridget Dicken (BD) – Committee member
Gary Dicken (GD) – Trustee
Steve Mansfield (SM) – Clerk of Hartington Upper Quarter Parish Council and Flagg Civil Council
Lloyd Melland (LM) – Treasurer
Jess O’Dwyer (JOD) – Secretary
Adam Swain-Fossey (ASF) – Architect, SwoFo Architects, Buxton
Ian Webster (IW) – Committee member
Philip Wheeldon (PW) – Chair of Committee
PW welcomed all to the “meeting”. He does not have internet access but receives all information by telephone and post whilst Coronavirus is preventing direct contact.
02/03/20 Apologies and Expressions of Interest
Summary of Discussion:
Apologies were received from Peter Stubbington (PS) of Buxton Drama League (BDL), Christine Riley (Trustee) and Brian Burton (Local Resident). Apologies were received from Cllr David Chapman (DC) who had intended to attend the meeting.
Interest was expressed by Angela Campeau from the Parochial Church Council and our contact for the “News and Views” newsletter. JB proposed that Angela be allowed to join the group as per our constitution. This was approved by the committee.
03/03/20 Minutes of Previous Meeting dated 25th February 2020
Summary of Discussion:
AB recommended that initials used in Section 7 be changed to full names. This is because this is a key section of the minutes that may be required as evidence by the Charity Commission, the bank and so forth. PW commented that using initials for the nominations section of the minutes was confusing. PW now has a copy of the amended minutes with full names given in the nominations section. JOD proposed the acceptance of the amended minutes. JB seconded their accuracy.
Matters Arising:
JB has investigated Pro Bono solicitors. She tried www.lawworks.org.uk for legal advice but we have been turned down for help as we do not meet the criteria (Not enough people will benefit from Pomeroy Hall).
JB also looked at Irwin Mitchell, The Law Society and the National Pro Bono centre. From this she found Advocates.org.uk. JB did not complete an Advocates application as an enquiry for help on this site asks when your court case or appeal is. We would like a solicitor to help us with Land Registry.
JOD has a contact at a solicitor’s who is certifying the copies of the deeds for Land Registry, so we may not need a solicitor to do this work. We are unsure if we need a solicitor for anything else until we hear back from Helena Stubbs, but a solicitor may be needed for working with the Charity Commission.
Otherwise the minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
04/03/20 Meeting Format
Summary of Discussion:
AB advised us that committee meetings should be private. The trustees are accountable to those who elect them through the AGM. In the interests of transparency minutes could be placed on a local notice board or webpage.
Whilst comprehensive minutes have been very helpful in the early awareness raising/relaunch phase, as the committee starts work minutes could, if members wish, be restricted to the decisions made rather than the process of reaching them. In this way confidential or commercially sensitive material will be restricted to the trustees.
This is like the Parish Council which can resolve to go into a closed session for dealing with such issues. BD seconded. This was approved by the committee.
05/03/20 Name of Group
Summary of Discussion:
The building was originally known as “The Pomeroy War Memorial Institute and Hall.” The word “institute” seems to have fallen out of use some time ago.
The bank account name is Pomeroy War Memorial Fund, as the original bank account was opened to raise funds for the building of the hall. In later years the building was simply known as “Pomeroy Memorial Hall”.
For the constitution we need to agree on a name. It seems that the choices are:
Pomeroy War Memorial Institute and Hall
Pomeroy War Memorial Institute
Pomeroy War Memorial Hall
Pomeroy Memorial Hall
The Pomeroy Trust
“The Pomeroy Trust” was approved by the committee.
06/03/20 Buxton Drama League
Summary of Discussion:
PS would have been unable to attend our meeting due to a clash with a BDL meeting. PS to meet with BDL to discuss their position on Pomeroy WMH. PS to report back to our committee.
07/03/20 Parish Council – Insurance
Summary of Discussion:
JB attended the Hartington Middle Quarter Parish Council meeting on Mon 9th March. Ian Saunders (Chair) confirmed the Parish Council will insure the hall in with their group insurance. This is for building only. BDL will be responsible for insuring their own contents (awaiting reply from PS to confirm BDL have insurance). The Parish Council insurance is due for renewal in June. Even if this is increased due to Pomeroy Hall being added we will not have to pay any difference, the Parish Council will cover it.
The Parish Council are happy to support us but are unable to provide any further funding (there are many pressures on their very limited budget). The Local Project Fund is coming from DDDC, so the Parish Council are not required to sort that for us.
The Parish Council commented that the future use of the Hall would be limited by planning restrictions due to the busy road and dangerous corner.
Also, since the meeting, HMQ PC Clerk, Pat Sutton, has sent us a link to ICS Support Services Ltd. This is funding available to Parish Councils. JB has asked Pat if this must be applied for by the Parish Council or if we can do it direct. Awaiting reply.
08/03/20 – Peak District National Park Authority
Summary of Discussion:
DC – No information received yet.
09/03/20 – Pre-Feasibility Study
Summary of Discussion:
ASF visited the Hall on 19th February and his initial impressions were:
- The Hall needs repair, but the general wall fabric isn’t too bad. The roof is mostly keeping the rain out. The windows and doors do need repair but again, aren’t letting too much water in. However, a property in this state will quickly deteriorate if the ingress of water isn’t managed.
- The Hall is in an attractive location, with good views, but near a busy, noisy road.
- The Hall has access to footpaths and trails. There appears to be footpaths in the fields behind which give access to Tissington and High Peak Trails.
- Access by foot requires crossing the road (unless on footpaths fields) – perhaps new route through the fields to the Duke of York can be established?
- There is an existing hard standing on site which was used as a car park and has gated access. This is very positive as it will assist greatly with functionality and any planning application.
- Electricity and water – services are present but disconnected.
- Drainage – the hall is not connected to the mains nor a septic tank.
- The link to the Duke of York is a good opportunity to explore depending on the eventual function of the Hall.
- Pomeroy Ice Cream is close by.
- The hall is quite large with a tall volume that provides some flexibility in use and arrangements.
10/03/20 – Bank Account
Summary of Discussion:
We are opening a new bank account. A new constitution has been written to facilitate this.
Accessing the dormant account is on hold until Coronavirus restrictions are lifted. The constitution was approved by the committee.
11/03/20 – Funding and Fundraising
Summary of Discussion:
Applied to Waitrose “Community Matters” fund – awaiting reply. Derbyshire County Council Action Grants awarded us £475. Derbyshire Dales District Council have offered us £600 from the Local Project Fund.
Several ideas have had to be put on hold until Coronavirus restrictions are lifted.
12/03/20 – Charity Commission
Summary of Discussion:
Rural Action Derbyshire (RAD) are drafting a preliminary plan of action with costings.
13/03/20 – Land Registry
Summary of Discussion:
Registering the Hall with Land Registry is in progress.
14/03/20 – Snap Frame
Summary of Discussion:
This has been completed and is in place at the Duke of York pub (though this is closed due to Coronavirus).
15/03/20 – Future Business Case
Summary of Discussion:
Feasibility Study:
The pre-feasibility study has been received from ASF and is being considered by the Committee.
Recreation ground, boundary walls, gate etc
We discussed improving the boundary fences.
Business Options:
Future ideas are still at the discussion stage.
16/03/20 – Date and Time of Next Meeting
Summary of Discussion:
To be decided